Image correlation basics#

Here we synthetically apply a rigid-body transformation to an image and try to measure this transformation using the register image correlation function.

Import modules#

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import spam.deformation
import spam.DIC
import spam.datasets

Load snow data and create a deformed image#

Here we will load the data, define a deformation function and apply it to the data in order to obtain a deformed data set.

We will then visualise the difference between the images – as explained in the Tutorial: Image correlation – Theory.

# Load data
snow = spam.datasets.loadSnow()

# Define transformation to apply
transformation = {'t': [0.0, 3.0, 2.5],
                  'r': [5.0, 0.0, 0.0]}

# Convert this into a deformation function
Phi = spam.deformation.computePhi(transformation)

# Apply this to snow data
snowDeformed = spam.DIC.applyPhi(snow, Phi=Phi)

# Show the difference between the initial and the deformed image.
# Here we used the blue-white-red colourmap "coolwarm"
# which makes 0 white on the condition of the colourmap being symmetric around zero,
# so we force the values with vmin and vmax.
plt.imshow((snow - snowDeformed)[50], cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-36000, vmax=36000)
plot imageCorrelationBasics
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage object at 0x7f15b432db90>

Perform correlation#

# Now we will use the image correlation function to try
# to measure the Phi between `snow` and `snowDeformed`.
spam.DIC.register(snowDeformed, snow,
                  verbose=True,                 # Show updates on every iteration
                  imShowProgress=True,           # Show horizontal slice
                  imShowProgressNewFig=True)    # New figure at every iteration
  • Iteration Number = 0, im1 Z-slice, im2def Z-slice, im1-im2def Z-slice, im1 Y-slice, im2def Y-slice, im1-im2def Y-slice, im1 X-slice, im2def X-slice, im1-im2def X-slice
  • Iteration Number = 1, im1 Z-slice, im2def Z-slice, im1-im2def Z-slice, im1 Y-slice, im2def Y-slice, im1-im2def Y-slice, im1 X-slice, im2def X-slice, im1-im2def X-slice
  • Iteration Number = 2, im1 Z-slice, im2def Z-slice, im1-im2def Z-slice, im1 Y-slice, im2def Y-slice, im1-im2def Y-slice, im1 X-slice, im2def X-slice, im1-im2def X-slice
  • Iteration Number = 3, im1 Z-slice, im2def Z-slice, im1-im2def Z-slice, im1 Y-slice, im2def Y-slice, im1-im2def Y-slice, im1 X-slice, im2def X-slice, im1-im2def X-slice
  • Iteration Number = 4, im1 Z-slice, im2def Z-slice, im1-im2def Z-slice, im1 Y-slice, im2def Y-slice, im1-im2def Y-slice, im1 X-slice, im2def X-slice, im1-im2def X-slice
  • Iteration Number = 5, im1 Z-slice, im2def Z-slice, im1-im2def Z-slice, im1 Y-slice, im2def Y-slice, im1-im2def Y-slice, im1 X-slice, im2def X-slice, im1-im2def X-slice
  • Iteration Number = 6, im1 Z-slice, im2def Z-slice, im1-im2def Z-slice, im1 Y-slice, im2def Y-slice, im1-im2def Y-slice, im1 X-slice, im2def X-slice, im1-im2def X-slice
  • Iteration Number = 7, im1 Z-slice, im2def Z-slice, im1-im2def Z-slice, im1 Y-slice, im2def Y-slice, im1-im2def Y-slice, im1 X-slice, im2def X-slice, im1-im2def X-slice
  • Iteration Number = 8, im1 Z-slice, im2def Z-slice, im1-im2def Z-slice, im1 Y-slice, im2def Y-slice, im1-im2def Y-slice, im1 X-slice, im2def X-slice, im1-im2def X-slice
  • Iteration Number = 9, im1 Z-slice, im2def Z-slice, im1-im2def Z-slice, im1 Y-slice, im2def Y-slice, im1-im2def Y-slice, im1 X-slice, im2def X-slice, im1-im2def X-slice
Start correlation with Error = 4675.78
    Iteration Number:0  (Elapsed Time: 0:00:00)
    Iteration Number:1   dPhiNorm=0.61465   error=3846.89   t=[0.019 -0.503 -0.352]   r=[-0.292 0.014 0.013]   z=[1.000 1.010 0.991] (Elapsed Time: 0:00:00)
    Iteration Number:2   dPhiNorm=0.59758   error=3263.55   t=[0.021 -0.993 -0.695]   r=[-0.922 -0.003 0.030]   z=[1.000 1.017 0.985] (Elapsed Time: 0:00:00)
    Iteration Number:3   dPhiNorm=0.63556   error=2504.04   t=[0.011 -1.508 -1.068]   r=[-1.818 -0.040 0.051]   z=[1.000 1.022 0.981] (Elapsed Time: 0:00:01)
    Iteration Number:4   dPhiNorm=0.69940   error=1553.99   t=[-0.002 -2.073 -1.479]   r=[-2.904 -0.072 0.069]   z=[1.000 1.023 0.980] (Elapsed Time: 0:00:01)
    Iteration Number:5   dPhiNorm=0.71610   error=572.78   t=[-0.010 -2.664 -1.886]   r=[-3.993 -0.060 0.064]   z=[1.000 1.016 0.986] (Elapsed Time: 0:00:02)
    Iteration Number:6   dPhiNorm=0.54621   error=23.84   t=[-0.004 -3.126 -2.178]   r=[-4.824 -0.012 0.019]   z=[1.000 1.004 0.997] (Elapsed Time: 0:00:02)
    Iteration Number:7   dPhiNorm=0.10894   error=0.46   t=[0.000 -3.217 -2.237]   r=[-5.024 0.002 -0.003]   z=[1.000 1.000 1.000] (Elapsed Time: 0:00:03)
    Iteration Number:8   dPhiNorm=0.01544   error=0.01   t=[-0.000 -3.205 -2.228]   r=[-4.996 -0.000 0.000]   z=[1.000 1.000 1.000] (Elapsed Time: 0:00:03)
    Iteration Number:9   dPhiNorm=0.00238   error=0.00   t=[0.000 -3.207 -2.229]   r=[-5.001 0.000 -0.000]   z=[1.000 1.000 1.000] (Elapsed Time: 0:00:03)
    Iteration Number:10   dPhiNorm=0.00037   error=0.00   t=[0.000 -3.206 -2.229]   r=[-5.000 -0.000 0.000]   z=[1.000 1.000 1.000] (Elapsed Time: 0:00:04)
         -> Converged

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 5.726 seconds)

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