Geodesic reconstruction

Geodesic reconstruction#

This example shows how to use the geodesic reconstruction

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy
import spam.excursions
import spam.filters

Generate a morphology#

Generation and excrusion of a realisation of a correlated random field

covarianceParameters = {'len_scale': 0.005}
realisation = spam.excursions.simulateRandomField(nNodes=500, covarianceParameters=covarianceParameters, nRea=1, dim=2, vtkFile="morpho")
excursion = realisation[0] > 0.05

Geodesic reconstruction#

Direct definition of the marker (square in the center)

marker = numpy.zeros(excursion.shape, dtype=bool)
marker[230:270, 230:270] = excursion[230:270, 230:270]
rec_center = spam.filters.binaryGeodesicReconstruction(excursion, marker)

Definition of the marker with a list of plans

marker = [0, 0]  # direction 0 distance 0 (top side)
rec_top = spam.filters.binaryGeodesicReconstruction(excursion, marker)
marker = [1, 0, 0, -1]  # direction 1 distance 0 (left side) and direction 0 distance max (bottom side)
rec_botleft = spam.filters.binaryGeodesicReconstruction(excursion, marker)


plot_image = numpy.zeros(excursion.shape, dtype=int)
plot_image[numpy.where(excursion)] = -1 # light blue for the morphology
plot_image[numpy.where(rec_center)] = -2 # dark blue for the center marker
plot_image[numpy.where(rec_top)] = 1 # orange for the top side marker
plot_image[numpy.where(rec_botleft)] = 2 # red for the bottom/left side marker

plt.imshow(plot_image, cmap='coolwarm')
plt.plot([-5, -5], [0, 499], lw=3, ls='--', color='red')
plt.plot([0, 499], [504, 504], lw=3, ls='--', color='red')
plt.plot([0, 499], [-5, -5], lw=3, ls='--', color='orange')
plt.plot([230, 230, 270, 270, 230], [230, 270, 270, 230, 230], lw=3, ls='--', color='blue')
plt.title("Morphology and Geodesic reconstruction for different markers")
Morphology and Geodesic reconstruction for different markers


The geodesic reconstruction is implemented for 2D and 3D binary morphologies

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 8.099 seconds)

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